Common myths about cholesterol
Do you believe these common myths about cholesterol too?
There is so much information available about cholesterols, sometimes it becomes really hard to separate myths from facts. We are going to bust the 3 most common myths about cholesterol in this article.
Myth 1: All cholesterols are bad
Fact: Not all cholesterols are bad, some are essential for normal body functions.
As much as the word “cholesterol” is feared by the general population, what needs to be understood is the fact that certain amounts of cholesterols are needed in healthy amounts to carry out normal bodily functions.
Cholesterols play important roles in the body, like forming cellular structures and providing insulation for nerve cells. Cholesterols are also needed for the production of certain hormones, especially steroid hormones. However, when you start consuming too much fatty foods that cause excessive cholesterol buildup in your body, that’s when you need to start worrying.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol-a.k.a the “bad cholesterol”- is the one that is associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes whereas the high-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterols are the “good cholesterols that are beneficial for heart health.
Myth 2: You don’t need to get tested for cholesterol until middle age
Fact: It is imperative to get tested as early as possible, especially in the case of positive family history.
High cholesterol can creep on you silently. At times, the first episode of angina, heart attack, or stroke is the first time that people learn about their high cholesterol levels. People with high blood pressure and diabetes are even more at risk so get tested as early as possible so that appropriate timely treatment can be started to keep a lid on the cholesterol levels.
Myth 3: Only fat people can have high cholesterol
Fact: Thin, lean people can also have high cholesterol levels
Visuals can be deceptive. Having excess body weight is not the only indicator of high cholesterol levels. Even thin people can have high cholesterol levels without ever knowing it. These people are more at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases since they don’t exactly adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eating whatever they want and leading a sedentary lifestyle since they think they are safe from the onslaught of high cholesterols, never knowing what is building up inside.
Bottom line
Always rely on reliable information, from a physician or verified websites when searching for online information as sometimes, misinformation can be a bigger killer than the disease itself.